Friday, November 12, 2010


10 years ago, I was helping out at a local hispanic church with the ESL classes. I was living on-campus at school and since it was Sunday night, the cafe closed early. I was starving and I wanted real food, not drive-thru, but I didn't want to go by myself(I don't see how people do that...just feels weird). There was a guy whom I had spoken with several times who seemed nice enough, so I asked him if he wanted to go get something to eat with me. He was happy to come along. I drove, since he rode with someone else to church. I figured it was just friends going out for dinner, but since he ended up paying, I guess that made it our first date. We went to Perkin's and sat in the back booth near the bathroom. We talked about his huge family(8 siblings) and his excellent english(he'd only been in the States for 6 months) and my ok spanish and schoolwork. It was a great evening, one we repeated many a Sunday night afterward. Ten years later, he's the best husband I could ask for, the best father of my children I could ask for, and I wouldn't change a thing!

Friday, October 8, 2010

American Girl Club

We've been reading American Girl Books for a while now, so when we heard that our new HSA had an American Girls Club, we had to sign up! Our Princess loves it! They read a book about a certain American girl before the meeting, do a scrapbook page, learn about that American Girl and her time, have a snack, play games, do a craft...

This month is Josefina, a New Mexican girl from the 1800s and we are in charge of craft and snack. So we made horchata, a cinnamon-rice drink, last evening and flan this morning. Our Princess and I decided we would teach our friends to make tissue paper flowers for our craft, a common decoration in Mexico. My best friend made thousands of them for her wedding, but she made them out of white toilet paper, so they were about the size of a real rose, and they decorated the black limousine with them...very pretty.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Our Princess memorized her first poem. I decided that since it would be her first, I wanted it to be a positive experience. So I let her pick it out. It was 7 letters long...seriously. Well, she had it memorized in 5 minutes! And she enjoyed it so much, the next poem she memorized had 17 words, and she had it memorized in about 20 min. I bribed her with her new poem, hoping that a longer poem would be worth a video game or the new Beauty and the Beast DVD. I get to pick this one out, so it will be substantial. Or at least worth $20 in prizes ;0)

by Mary Ann Hoberman

Are never

Monday, September 27, 2010


After a four-month hiatus, I figured it would be beneficial to rejoin to blogging community with a recipe...

Flan (Super easy!!)

2 cups evaporated milk*
2 cups sweetened condensed milk *
1 tsp vanilla extract
10 eggs
1/2 cup sugar

Preheat oven 325 degrees
Mix the first four ingredients in a blender. heat the sugar in a med. pan until syrup-like and brown in color, 8-10 min. (keep stirring it, it burns easy)then pour it into a 9x13 baking dish, trying to cover as much of the bottom and a little up the sides as you can(easier said than done). Give the egg mix one or two more pulses, then pour it over the sugar. Place entire baking dish in a larger dish filled halfway up the smaller baking dish with water...careful not to spill water into the flan mixture!
Bake in the oven for 1 hour-1hour 30min...start checking at an hour. it should have light brown color...if you find your oven cooks the top too quickly try covering it with foil next go 'round. When you can put a knife in the middle and it comes out clean, it's done! Let it cool for about 2 hours before trying to do anything else with it(you can take it out of the water dish though)

Now, the tricky part...take a knife around the edges to loosen them, place a larger plate(or a baking pan, but you want something that will pool the syrup to the middle or have a lip to keep it in) on top of the baking dish and flip it over I said earlier, tricky...add a sprig of mint and voilà! You have yummy!

*as most cans come in the 14 oz variety, 14oz is approximately 1 1/2 cups...just so that you know and will have enough...I hate it when recipes are non-shopper friendly...I mean really, I'm not going to sit and measure a cup and a half in the store...just tell me to get 2 14 oz cans...

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wow...6 years old...that' s 1/3 of her life with us. My baby girl is finally(already?) six! She's a very sweet-natured girl who is quick to help others. She's the one who goes up to others she sees by themselves to talk. At her K5 graduation, her "superlative" was "Everyone's Friend." I couldn't be more proud of her. She loves Josefina, her american girl and to read stories about her. She loves to be crafty and makes cards for everyone. She says she never wants to leave us when she gets older and that she wants to marry her daddy. She never wants to cut her hair, at least until it gets to her feet, because it would hurt to walk on it all the time. She loves to pray and be read to. She plays soccer and sings all of the time. What a blessing she is to our family.

Monday, May 31, 2010

10 months!

Well, our little nicho is now 10 months old. He finally has begun to crawl in his little army man way. It's funny, he hasn't started to pull himself up yet. By this time with both the girls, we'd had to lower the crib's still at the highest level. He has the leg strength to stand, just not the balance or the arm strength to pull himself up. Now that he crawls like a commando, maybe he'll develop that arm strength. He loves his Papa and starts jumping as soon as we see him. He likes to watch Fútbol with his daddy and eat beans and tortillas. He loves fresh greenbeans. He doesn't hesitate to go after my cell phone if left within reach. He is very ticklish!

Friday, May 28, 2010

Heavy Heart's a tough subject to talk about as it brings very harsh feelings on both sides of the table. It's difficult for me to talk about, but I believe there needs to be more pertinent information out there. The media distorts it, the left says it's a race issue, the right a security issue, but it is not a black-and-white issue. There are so many shades of grey, many of them sitting next to your children at school, church, or on the playground.

It is hardest for me because I am a Patriot. I love America and everything it stands for. As a daughter of a legal immigrant and a Retired USN Sailor I fly my flag with pride. I also understand heritage and not forgetting what(and often who) was left behind. I understand that our country is vulnerable (though not for reasons the government would have you believe) and we don't want another 9/11. There are steps that do need to be taken, and there is also overkill. I believe there need to be laws and those laws need to be obeyed. But there also needs to be mercy.

I married a man who came here legally, but was not legal when we married. I did not marry him for that reason, I married him because he was (and still is) a great man of God who would sacrifice a great many things to provide for his family(both here and in el Salvador). My husband did not receive his "papers" because he married me. Contrary to popular opinion, marrying a US citizen does not magically give you a green card. It doesn't even give you a visa to visit. They say there is one available for the spouse of US citizens, but (there's always a but) only if you meet certain requirements. It's a gamble. If you came into this country without an I-94 (also known as an entry visa) then you are required to return to your country of origin to receive your visa. You are almost always denied the first time(go figure) but then with the second you might get it. Sometimes, however, you get an ambassador's aide who is having a bad day and says no to everyone. This is what happened to my in-laws. We tried the legal route to bring them here for our wedding, even going so far as to have my father sponser them during their visit. They were both denied.
US Embassy San Salvador
The only reason my husband was able to work here during the six years it took for him to get a permanent resident card due to our marriage is because of an earthquake that occurred 11 months before we were married. We were married almost a year before he received permission to work and therefore to get a drivers' license. I remember getting up to drive him 40 miles round trip to work before being in class at 8. Yep, we were definitely honeymooners! To date, El Salvador is one of only Eight countries granted TPS, and this is given only to those who were on American soil when a government-approved disaster occurred in their home country.
Immigration is a mess. Changing the name didn't help. Don't get me wrong. I am thankful for and pray for the border patrol agents we have working and risking their lives to keep us safe. I just truly believe that if you are following the laws of the land and keeping your nose clean, why shouldn't you be welcome? Why not go after the drug dealers and murderers and those caught while DUI? Why go after the group of hardworking men and women who bother no one but those who are too lazy to try to get and do the same job? Now I know there are those of you legalists that say that the law was broken when they came here in the first place and that is true. You can see why this is a difficult issue for me as a Christian and an American. To see friends struggle to provide with the threat of deportation over their heads.
One friend came to the US with her two sons, through the desert. One of her sons has Down's syndrome. She came because she knew this was the best place for him. In her country he would never have a chance to go to school. He would never be self-sufficient. He would sit at home all day with no positive development or, worse, be put in an asylum. She would never have learned to reach him as she was taught here in the US. She doesn't receive Medicaid for him. She has worked hard during her time here and has said that she has no regrets for the sacrifices she made to provide her son with the best she could. Too bad some of what she provided wasn't her's to offer.
I hear stories of people who came to this country illegally that would make you cry. I hear about families being torn apart because dad is illegal and mom isn't. Or because Mom and Dad are illegal and little Juan isn't. One lady in our church will finally get her papers, but only because her husband died at the hands of an American. Another won't get his(easily anyway, we are praying for a miracle) because he was caught at the border and released, then they sent his court date to the wrong address. He has been married for the last 8 years to an American Citizen. They have two children. If he is caught, he gets mandatory deportation with refusal to return for 10 years. They are working to overturn this, but who knows? It's in God's hands. I could go on and on, which I am sure you are thinking I already am. I got yelled at on facebook the other day that if it were my house that got broken into or my family that was killed, I would feel differently. I don't think so, but maybe I would...but no more than if it were a US citizen. Evil is evil, no matter what country it is from.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Kindergarten Graduation 2010

Finally, after playing catch-up, the blog I really wanted to get to! Our Princess graduated from K5 on Thursday...She is done with formal "school." From here on out, God willing, we are homeschoolers! The ceremony was wonderful and sweet. I managed to make it through, barely, without crying. I think that had to do with me being the one with the camera and seeing most of the ceremony through the lense. Our Princess's class performed several songs, one of which was so boisterous, it caused her to knock her own hat off. It really was a blessing being able to send her to Northwood for the time that we did. I've always said that if we couldn't homeschool, the only other place I would send my children would be Northwood. Her teachers this year have been such a blessing and I am so thankful for what she has learned so far.

Afterward, we went out to eat and I caught Our Fairy being silly.

How could anyone not love her? She's precious!

Sprinklers 2010

Our first trip to the sprinklers! We went to the park today for a friend's birthday party. The kids had a great time. Our Oso went in the sprinklers for the first time. At first, he was not amused, mainly because a friend put him in there with his back to the water, so all he got was cold and wet. When he got to see what it was, he loved it! I think, however, that he has my skin. The girls we have always put on sunscreen at the beginning of the day and left it at that; they've always bronzed nicely. Our Oso went a little pink. I hope he doesn't have my skin. I get burnt driving the car. He's so cute, look at those ears! Those are my mother-in-law's ears. Yep, no denying him.

His happy freeze: he stiffens up and squeels like a girl with a huge grin!

The girls love to play in the sprinklers, too!

Our Princess loves to pose!

4 years old

Our Fairy had her four-year-old checkup last friday. It went well. She is perfectly healthy and, contrary to the health department's statement, not the least bit overweight. She took her vaccinations like a woman, not crying or cursing until it was all done. She will need a palate something-or-other when she gets older, because her lower jaw does not align with the upper (thumbsucking!). But overall we are blessed with a perfectly healthy, happy, silly little girl.George came along for the ride...


I decided to go with Our Princess's class on their last field trip of the year, up to Columbia to Edventure, the state children's museum. I realize it has been two weeks since the trip...I've been busy :OB

One thing I can say about our school, the parent involvement is great. I think all but two parents in our class came on the trip, making sure we only had our own kids to haul around. Anyways, the number one attraction is a two story(probably 4 if he were standing) person named Eddy. You can climb around his insides, through his heart, jump on his diaphram and slide down his bowels...I mean really, who wouldn't want to slide down bowels? Not to mention that there are speakers making the appropriate(or perhaps inappropriate) noises...needless to say, I sat at the bottom and took pictures.
They also have a "career" area, where you can be a farmer, a fireman, a grocer, a construction-worker, etc. Our Princess and her cousin enjoyed going for a ride on the big, green tractor(too much country music, I know; especially since she was singing it as she drove)
Tuesday was also a special birthday, so we celebrated while we were there by drawing graffiti in the was fun.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

I'm not even going to dwell on the disaster that was this morning. This afternoon made up for it. We had a lovely luncheon after church. The men put it on for the moms. It was quite lovely and nice not to have to worry about cooking today.Our Oso enjoyed it. He was given a slice of cantaloupe which he proceeded to devour with undue haste.

This is him choking on a piece of melon as I attempt to get the perfect shot...don't worry, he spit it out right away... This is him 2 seconds later, letting you know he is the cutest guy around...

Our Fairy's first "real" haircut!

ok, I finally broke down and took Our Fairy to see Mrs. Sarah to get her hair cut. I mean really cut, not just trimmed. We had Sarah take at least 5 inches off. It looks so much healthier now. The girls' hair has never been cut more than an inch or two to get rid of frayed ends and we figured Our Fairy's would follow suit with Our Princess's, but her hair was just too ragged; it had to go. She was ok with it, her sister would have been hysterical. We still can't get rid of the toe-rag look, she has too many cowlicks for that, but it does look thicker! I still couldn't get her to stand still long enough to get a picture that wasn't blurry! I'm surprised Sarah was able to do it to get it cut! We won't talk about the hands on hips thing...

Sunday, May 2, 2010


Before yesterday, Our Fairy had never been to Chuck E. Cheese. She had only seen it on TV and passed by it several times a week. Every time we went by she begged to go there. So we decided we would do her birthday party there this year.

She got to invite four friends and we brought everything with us; just ordered pizza, drinks and tokens (lots of coupons!! Thank you Hi-C!). It was way too expensive to do one of their birthday parties and who really wants rats on their birthday cake? I think we spent half the money doing it with Princess and the Frog. We got there when they opened and there was NO ONE there. It was perfect! They got to play for a long time before people started showing up. Our Fairy got a quilt from her Maga that Maga has been working hard on for a while. She didn't actually quilt it, although she knows how, her hands just don't do it anymore, so she had someone quilt it for her...but she and Papa cut out each and every little square and put them together. It is beautiful! It was the first thing we put away when we got home. The girls' room is the color I am pointing to there on the girl's hat. I can't wait to get one for Our Princess!

School Picnic

Our Princess's school picnic was Friday. It's a pretty fun day for the kids and Friday was just beautiful. Not too hot, and a slight breeze all day long. We went to Wannamaker and played on the playground, went on a nature walk and played in the field by the picnic shelter. Our Princess running under the parachute when they called June Birthdays...
They were great about letting Our Fairy join in on the fun

Our Oso loved watching all the kids run around on the playground while chewing the head of his Little person.

Until he fell asleep during his favorite part, the bubbles! (We won't talk about where his sister decided to leave her bag of Cheetos)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Our Fairy

Four years ago today, Oliver was having a decision-making crisis about whether to go to work. Like today, four years earlier there was immigration reform going on and everyone was all worked up. It was decided by the pro-immigration movement that they would "boycott" work on May day. But Oliver didn't want to do that. He felt it was wrong to treat his boss that way, yet was concerned about his co-workers with less than perfect papers thinking he didn't care about their situation, which was far from the truth. He really did struggle with this decision, so I made it easy for him...I told him to call in and tell his boss that he was going with his wife for her 39th week check-up, 'cause hopefully today would be THE DAY.

He did and it was. At 6:30pm on Monday, May 1st, 2006, a "day with no immigrants", Our precious Fairy was born at 8 lb 1 oz, 18.5 inches long and she was so light! Funny when you consider the significance of that day.  Our little Gûerra.

Now Our Fairy is four years old. She loves Clifford and Curious George, her baby dolls, especially Bitty Baby Julie, and riding her bicycle. She bumps into everything and falls down everywhere. If there is an accident that could happen, it's happened to her, although thankfully she has never broken any bones or had serious injuries...Her new favorite movie is Princess and the Frog (thank goodness, I'm getting tired of the mouse movie). She loves her Tía who has lived with us since she was 6 months old and would spend all day everyday with her Maga and Papa. She likes spicy food, much to our surprise. She can't wait to go to the water park this summer and she swims like a fish. She gets distracted easily and can't count to four yet (1, 2, 3...6!) but she comes up with some amazing stories and ideas that you know there are more important things going on in that mind. She loves to "read" books and tell the story Fairy-style. She has the most beautiful brown eyes and always looks like she's up to mischief (half the time she is! Did I mention the time that she decided Her sister's American Girl doll and her Bitty Baby needed a bath?) She is a blessing to our family and so very precious to me.

Gift #1 was a jungle pop-up book with animal/jungle sounds...the dog was not happy.

Gift #2 was a bug felt-board book with little felt bugs and such to put all over it.

Gift #3 was The Princess and the Frog movie

Gift #4 was Curious George!! She has been eye-balling him at Barnes & Noble for the last three months and begging to bring him home. How could I say no? She has been dragging him around for the last 24 hours...

The sad thing is I have no digital baby pictures of Our Fairy...our hard drive was erased January '09. But Maga has some and as soon as I get copies, I'll post one!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

9 months!

July 28, 2009

Our Oso

My baby boy is 9 months old today. These last months have gone by so quickly. I think it's worse when I think that he might possibly be our last. That just makes me want to go back and live the last nine months all over again, sleepless nights and all...He is such a precious little man. He has just learned to sign "please" and he blows raspberries ALL the time (I think he gets that from his sisters). He has a ticklish spot, his belly. He loves sweet potatoes and puppy kisses(much to the disgust of his daddy). He loves to ride in the swing in the front yard; well, any swing for that matter. He hasn't said anything yet, but you can tell he's thinking it; he's got the greatest expressions. He wants to talk, just hasn't gotten it out yet. He gives me the biggest smile when I walk into the room that makes my heart swell. Everyone said that there was something about a mama's relationship with her boy, but I thought "No, not me, I'm not raising a Mama's Boy." And I'm not, He's Mami's little Man.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Princess Photos

Leyni's Beautiful Smile

Some more of Our Princess's photos. The weather has been so nice we have been going outside a lot more often (before the invasion of the mosquitos). It really kills me to go to work on those perfect spring days. The more I spend outside, the more I feel inclined to do yardwork(normally an area that Oliver has commandeered). I've actually gotten a few things planted, we'll see if they grow! Tía and Our Oso swinging in the yard. He LOVES the swing. (please ignore the fact that the cushion is on backwards and is covered in pollen...I said I started, but have not accomplished very much :op)

Puss....In Birdbath

Merlin, our newest little man...9 weeks old now

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Pictures

Just a couple of pictures our good friend Miss Grace took for us. She always does such great pictures of the kids and I know having a professional camera helps, but she really does have talent at grabbing that perfect shot! We decided to go to Gahagan park because it's a favorite of the girls and really is a lot of fun to try to get pictures. It really is a blessing to have Grace as a friend and an even bigger blessing that she is willing (and even calls me because she wants) to take pictures!

Easter Sunday 2010

Easter Sunday is always very busy...we go to church (of course). This Sunday we had a guest preacher, a brazilian missionary to Cuba, Gleysi Raoul. It was the first time I had been in a church service since probably before Christmas. I've lost count. It was such an inspiring service. Of course we didn't leave church until almost 1, had to run home to let the puppy out and get our food, then head to Maga's house. We always have a great Easter dinner and then a HUGE easter egg hunt. The girls made out like bandits!

Monday, March 22, 2010

8 months old

Our First and Favorite Little Man is almost 8 months old. He likes to sit in his big boy seat with his sippy cup. He talks to Tía while she cooks and loves to laugh! He likes to eat pineapple and have his belly tickled. He hasn't said any words yet, but you can see his thoughts right on his face and know that it won't be long! Especially when he sees his sisters. He twists in ways I never thought possible to see them as soon as he hears them. Makes mealtime interesting. Oh, and he loves biter biscuits!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Lowcountry Livin'

One of the things I love about the south! Three seasons in one...fall leaves, spring flowers, taken in the winter!!


We had a Quinceañera ("sweet fifteen")at the church last Saturday evening. It was lovely. Hermana Angelina and the other ladies outdid themselves with the decorations (really, our Fellowship Hall is gaustly and that night it looked great!) María Dayana, one of our youth, turned 15 the beginning of the month and in hispanic culture, when a young woman "comes of age" we celebrate it! There is a ceremony where the pastor (or the youth pastor) prays for her and her family, her future husband, her choices from here out and afterward there is a reception. It is very similar to a wedding and can cost as much as one!

Look at that dress! THAT is what I always thought prom dresses should look like...princess-y and soft...not some of the daring things I've seen girls wearing...

There is almost always a pastel tres leches and favors on the table...this time they were barbies dressed like Quinceañeras. They were really pretty! You can't really see it, but they are covered with lt. blue/white glitter and they are made out of paper products(haven't figured out what the fixation with paper products is, except that perhaps handmade is the best kind of favor). One of the girls tore her sleeve, but you can still see all the work that went into making them.

There is dancing, but as it is at the church there is only the "waltz de familia" where the young lady dances first with her daddy, then with family and friends. The party is all about the birthday girl, of course, but sometimes she has female attendants(can't really call them bridesmaids, but that is what they amount to). Dayana chose not to. She did have the male attendants, many of which were from our youth group or family and they did a great job!

It really was quite lovely and something every little girl looks forward to. Our Princess was very excited about it, and when I thought about planning hers in less than nine years...yeah, well, ahem...