Friday, May 4, 2012

Kindergarten Graduate!

Congratulations to my Big Girl who finished Kindergarten!!
I can't believe how she has grown, just in the last year!!

And the cupcakes came out good too!

I Can Make Anything with Candy...

I made 52 cupcakes last night (they smelled soooo good).
This morning I took the Air heads, Reese's and Hershey's that I bought last night and made graduation caps for said cupcakes (now down to 50, as two were casualties named Jack).
I took the rainbow airheads and sliced them by color, also giving two little slices on the end to make a tassle.  They came out cute.
Then the mini Reese's and snack-size Hershey's(1/2) became the cap.
And voilĂ , a graduation cap.
Ok, to be fair, this was the guinea pig, so he looks a little rough. It kind of melted, so I put the chocolate in the freezer before doing any more and did them in batches of 20...then stuck them back in the fridge/freezer...But it's going to look really cute on top of the cupcakes!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fairy Birthday

Happy 6th Birthday to Our Fairy Princess!!!
She is our in-house comedic routine. She's sassy and knows when Mami is supposed to be stern but is fighting a snicker. She does things, like wear rainboots with sunglasses and polka dot shirts with plaid skorts and doesn't get why it doesn't match. She hunts bugs with the abandon of an entomologist in the Amazon. Her love of bugs is only second to her love of My Little Pony.
She's an intercessor. She prays every night whether Mami remembers or not. And she remembers prayer requests. God is going to use this child one day, sooner, rather than later, I think!