Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Wow...6 years old...that' s 1/3 of her life with us. My baby girl is finally(already?) six! She's a very sweet-natured girl who is quick to help others. She's the one who goes up to others she sees by themselves to talk. At her K5 graduation, her "superlative" was "Everyone's Friend." I couldn't be more proud of her. She loves Josefina, her american girl and to read stories about her. She loves to be crafty and makes cards for everyone. She says she never wants to leave us when she gets older and that she wants to marry her daddy. She never wants to cut her hair, at least until it gets to her feet, because it would hurt to walk on it all the time. She loves to pray and be read to. She plays soccer and sings all of the time. What a blessing she is to our family.