Sunday, February 21, 2010

Olympic Confusion

This has been an interesting week and a half. We've been watching the Olympics, something Oliver and I have loved doing, and Our Princess has been watching with us. I'm sure she has been zoned out at school, I normally advocate going to bed right at 7:30, but this happens once every 4 years, so we have let her stay up, especially to watch the figure skating. It's been very educational. We've looked for the countries on our globe and then looked them up online to see if the country is snowy in the winter; or if, like Mexico, they have to practice elsewhere.

On that note, Our Princess has peppered us with questions all week long about what's going on and where they are from, but the most common question that comes up every time someone new comes on is, "Is that a boy or a girl?"

It started with Kd Lang at the opening ceremonies, which her daddy told her was a boy, to Shaun White, to some of the short-haired or pink-wearing figure skaters. It's been an interesting week. Really.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Journey Begins...

I have been researching for the last 6 months. I've spent hours reading books, searching the web, and talking to pros. I want to do this right. I am so excited that I can't wait until August! This is something I have always wanted to do, something I have always felt that God has called me to do, even though for the last 2 years I have pulled a Jonah on Him. I felt that I should fulfill my commitments to others, even though it was only a word of mouth contract and they felt no commitment to me. So, in three months my contract ends and I begin a great new adventure, one that I am so very enthusiastic about that I probably annoy all of my friends who are patient enough to listen to me.

As of May 27, I am a SAHM, and this fall, finally, we begin homeschool!

Often I have heard that others would belittle my decision or make me feel like I'm weird because I want to teach my children at home, but most everyone I have told is supportive of our decision. But not for the reason I am supportive of my decision. Does that make sense? Everyone (but one person) agrees with my decision because the public schools are dangerous, or dumbing down our children, or because private school is so expensive with three children.

That's not the reason I chose to homeschool. I want to be there. I want to see that look when my child learns something new. I want my children to know that family is the most important thing after God, and that I not only say it, but put it into practice. I want to choose carefully what goes into my children's minds, things that would be pleasing to the Lord. It's an awesome responsibility to be a mom, one I am so glad that God has chosen to give me. My children are precious to me. When Our Princess was born, I remember watching other parents with their children, teaching them colors and shapes and they weren't even 2! I also remember praying that She be compassionate. To have a love for the Lord the shone through her. It didn't matter to me if she was advanced for her age and knew everything, I just wanted her to have a love of others. I pray that for Our Fairy and Our Oso, too. I pray that God continues to guide me and that I am the teacher my children need.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Princess camera

Well, our camera bit the dust, making me a mean mommy for promising Our Princess she could have it when we bought our new one. I didn't think it would die off before we could update! Sweet girl, she told me, "That's ok, mami, I can pretend." I felt horrible.
Thankfully, this morning we were cleaning up to make room for my new office equipment and I found an old camera that my parents gave us when they updated. It's not the greatest camera, but it takes pictures and has a docking station so she can put them on the computer, so it's a winner!!
She's been taking pictures all morning. It will only take like 30 before she has to start chosing which ones she wants to delete, but she loves it and that is all that matters!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

On a secondary note...

Our Princess lost her fifth tooth on Thursday...this one she pulled out all by herself. She is so proud and so beautiful! She's got the best hockey smile!

Snow in Charleston!

For the first time in 10 years we had snow fall and stick! For the first time in 20 years, it was 5 inches!! It was wonderful! The Girls enjoyed playing in it both last night and this morning. We took tons of pictures, so many that the camera broke(either that or Oliver got it wet; he's not telling).

It started falling last night at 6 and kept falling 'til about four this morning. When we woke up, it was like being in a completely different place!! It was magical! This was the first time Oliver had ever seen snow. He and the girls started right away making a snowman. He was so excited until he realized how cold it was! The girls spent several hours outside this morning playing in it before it started to melt. Even Our Oso enjoyed eating it!

Around noon it began to "snow" again; actually it was the snow melting off the trees. As I came home from work tonight, there was still snow in some places; places the sun hadn't touched long enough to melt. I think it was perfect. With horrible blizzards in other parts of the country, I think just a night and morning of magic is enough...