Sunday, October 4, 2009

What a Blessed Weekend!

Our Princess had her first soccer game of the season yesterday and she did wonderful! Last year she whined about being too tired to run and being hot and sweaty...This year she ran her heart out and almost made a goal! Hopefully this attitude will continue through the season. Our Fairy had to join in and wore her sister's uniform from last year. She is already dribbling like a pro and can't wait to play next fall! They are truly a blessing and I love nothing more than watching them enjoy themselves!

We had our Feria de Países last night and it was a blast! The girls dressed in the outfits we bought last December in El Salvador. Our Fairy called it her El Salvador Princess dress. The girls got one pair of shoes back, as its been two weeks since they were confiscated. Our Princess has done exceptional taking care of hers...Our Fairy we're still working on! I braided their hair and they really were so beautiful. The food was wonderful and we had people from many countries represented: USA and El Salvador(of course), Méjico, Bolivia, Panamá, Puerto Rico, Honduras. There were almost 100 people there, which, for our church, is a lot! We're hoping next year to have an even bigger event!

I was exhausted this morning. Sometimes I wonder if it wouldn't be nice to take a break on Sunday mornings. Not from God, but from the responsibilities that being a leader in a small church brings. Our Pastor is an Army Reservist, and we are grateful for his service. He has been to Afghanistan for almost 1 year (he returned last fall) and will more than likely leave again in January for Iraq. We pray for his safety. Our church did wonderful while he was away last time: everyone pulled together and we got it all done, we kept up every ministry and had new baptisms and members.  Lots of prayers needed!!

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