Wednesday, October 7, 2009

More Blessings

Oliver started a new job in the evenings at Lowe's. He's been working hard to help us make ends meet and I have never been more proud of him. I'm trying to hold up my end of our life and boy is it hard! I've spent all day (since we got home from school) getting rid of old junk and kid's toys and just paper pile-up that I've ignored for the past few months. Yay fun...
Our Princess had a field trip to the America LaFranc Fire Museum today and Our Princess had a field trip to the Children's Museum Downtown...I couldn't go on both, but since Aunt Laura was driving the bus to the Children's Museum trip and would therefore be there with Our Fairy, I chose to go to the Fire Museum. Oh, but it was so hard watching my little Little Fairy go off on the big yellow bus! She was waving wildly and only too excited about getting to ride the bus! The museum was just icing on the cake.
I had Our Princess and her cousin in my group at the museum. It was really neat, but I didn't get to read everything...unfortunately the fire truck similator and the playground in the middle of the museum were more to The girls' liking. They loved all the different trucks, too. So I really only got to see that which was within view of the play area.
And Our Oso! Oh wow, he was a smiling baby today! Just as happy as could be to watch the flashing lights and hear the kids screaming and laughing...I think I got more pictures of him smiling today than ever!
Now I'm home, the girls are napping, Our Oso is fighting through his floor time and the cleaning is slowly (but surely) getting done. What a blessed day!

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