We went to somewhere Magical in October with extended family, so we decided we would make Mickey and Minnie Ornaments for them for Christmas. I found a really cool picture on Pinterest. The only problem was that it was only a picture...no instructions. So I set out to recreate what I saw, and for the most part, they came out really cute!
First of all, back at the beginning of November I ordered a box of glass(I realize now I should have gotten plastic, but oh well) balls from Oriental Trading. Now, I don't think they even sell the glass ones anymore, but I know that AC Moore carries them. The ones we got are smaller than normal glass balls, but that worked fine for me, because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get pompons big enough for the ears.

**Warning** If you do not allow the inside paint to dry, it gets ugly. Black all over everything ugly.

We also did a Minnie Mouse for our Maga, which was accomplished pretty much the same way, only instead of yellow jewels, we used a Qtip to MP spots all over the red glitter on the bottom, then dipped it into iridescent white glitter. Surprisingly, it only stuck to the glued areas. The white glitter we had poured into a bowl, as the bottle was too narrow. We made a pretty red bow and glued it between the ears and there you have it! Minnie Mouse!
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