Eight years ago today I was busy getting ready to marry the man of my dreams. Oliver fit the bill to a T: He was tall
er(by about 1/4 inch, but who's counting?), dark and handsome. He loved God, worked hard(had some mad muscles!), and loved his family; what more could a girl want?
He asked me to marry him in front of my whole family on April 27, 2001, which I know was difficult for him(his english was not nearly what it is now). Of course I said yes, how could I not?
My mom, sisters and I went the next weekend to Atlanta to look for my dress(I know, but I was excited!!)
Much happened that year between April and December...He moved out to Bonneau Beach(which is an hour away), but I saw him most weekends. We did our marriage counseling one straight week in July (THAT was interesting). September 11 happened. I finished another semester of school. We found an apartment nearby a week before the wedding. I couldn't wait to be with him. I had just finished exams the week of the wedding. My father was not a happy camper that we were getting married before I graduated, but I only had two semesters to go and I promised to finish. Both my parents jumped right in and helped make our Wedding Day memorable.
I often wondered what drew him to me; why he would be willing to be with me forever. But I am so glad he did. I truly made the best decision to marry him. There have been low points over the years, especially those first five as we struggled through the selfish tendancies and really got to know and love one another...but I can say the last three years we have been more content. Oliver is still all of those things he was on our wedding day(well, the muscles are hibernating...) and I look forward to many, many more years together!