Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Ok, so we were supposed to be practicing estimating with Our Princess these last couple of weeks at home, but I've been a little slack...beans in a cup are just the sort of thing that slips my mind when life happens...Anyways, we were at Uncle Brandon's birthday party which was mostly adults and babies and Our Princess was bored. She was rooting around Aunt Ellen's board games and found an old Mancala game. So I sat with her and taught her (without all the house tricks we used to play in college) and realized, she's having to estimate here! She loved that game and when I brought one home last night, she happily sat down with Daddy and taught him to play. She was a little put out when she lost the third game and then the 4-7th, but we are working on being a good loser. Definitely the best $3 I spent this month! I think game night will be an important part of our future!

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